5.1 To Select Configuration Level





Select configuration level

  1. Press and hold until Goto is shown.

  2. Press to choose Conf (Configuration Level).

  3. Press to enter.

Choices are:-




Enter the pass code (if configured)

  1. Press or to enter the correct pass code

  2. Press to accept the value


The default pass code for configuration level is ‘4’.

The pass code can be changed in configuration level using P code P77.

A special case exists if a security code has been configured as ‘0’. If this has been done it is not necessary to enter a code and the controller will enter the chosen level immediately.


  1. The controller is now operating in Level Conf


Configure a function

  1. Press to scroll through a list of P codes

  2. Press or to select the function associated with the P code

  3. Press to accept the function

The first P code is P1 which selects the Input Type – thermocouple, platinum resistance thermometer (rtd), mV or mA.

The example shows J type thermocouple.

All P codes are listed in the next section: